This package includes all necessary materials to maintain basic compliance with relevant OSHA regulations. MBS will consult and customize this package to fit the needs of the company.
This package is designed to bring the client up to compliance with the help of chosen employees. These employees will then carry out the safety duties of the company after compliance has been reached. The goal here is to help the company sustain itself in the area of occupational safety and health. Companies with low-medium risk are great candidates for Self-Serve Safety.
Subscribe to MBS and elevate your company’s safety! Here, we will customize our involvement monthly to help you actively maintain a healthy safety program at your organization. The Comprehensive Safety Subscription Package contains components that support the regular, ongoing implementation of a safety program. MBS will visit each jobsite on a monthly basis and remain on-call for surprise OSHA inspections and serious injury. Each month, MBS will work on required elements for OSHA Compliance and healthy safety culture.
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